By: Shane Brown

Spring is in full swing at Big Oak Canyon! From colorful flowers and interesting animals to new projects and celebrations, here’s a peek at some of the recent happenings on the land.

Clematis flowering

Bur chervil, a tasty springtime herb

Avocado flowering

Deerweed and wild hyacinth 

Wooly paintbrush

Looking through the window into our first honeybee box – bees hard at work 

The Wild Wonderful Woven Willow Wattle Wall

Some of the willow shoots used in the wall

Funky carrot in the Children’s Garden

Spring Equinox celebration at astronomy night with wildflower crowns 

Spring garden greens

Lemon tree garden circle

Flower crowns close up

Sourgrass bulbs, a tasty starchy treat

A chrysalis 

Yerba mansa, a native medicinal herb, planted in the spring(water)


Wild Pacific pea (Lathyrus vestitus), a tasty treat

Little scorpion

Compost pile, full of little mushrooms 

Little bobcat scent marking

Pomegranate flower

These gray foxes have been making a lot of noise at night running and playing throughout Big Oak Canyon (photo by Jason Andes)

Categories: Big Oak Canyon