Forest Kindergarten: Caroline’s Blog Part 2

Linkto Forest Kindergarten Caroline’s Blog: Part 1  Wednesday, June 6, 2012, O’Neill Regional Park The sky was filled with warm sunshine, busy winged creatures and colorful flying foxes whizzing by. We made an end of the year toy out of my old jeans, extra fabric, rice, and ribbons. Whoosh! Our Read more…

8th Grader to install Rainwater Garden at School!

Earthroots is honored to be providing on campus ecological education at the Journey School in Aliso Viejo as one of their Green Partners. OC Register Article Aliso Viejo Patch Article CBS 2 News Clip 8th Grade Student, Cyriene Adams inspired to design and install� Rainwater harvesting demonstration Site at Journey Read more…

Wonders of the Land

Tracks in the Mud Our homeschool class explored Trabuco Creek and found an area with cracked mud that held lots of clear animal tracks. Do you know whose feet made these? Grab your field guides or use the internet as a resource! The answers are at the end of this Read more…

Warren Brush: Local & Global Permaculture, October 5

In partnership with Transition Laguna Beach, SEEDS and the Anneliese School, Earthroots is honored to welcome international permaculture teacher Warren Brush to Laguna Beach! Just returning from Jordan where he co-taught at the International Permaculture Convergence with Bill Molison, Geoff & Nadia Lawton, and Brad Lancaster, Warren comes with inspiring Read more…

Forest Kindergarten: Caroline’s Blog

Caroline Colesworthy co-instructs Earthroots Forest Kindergarten program with Jeannie Lee & Meg Hiesinger. Caroline’s Blog gives you a glimpse of the magical days of Forest Kindergarten. Wednesday April, 25, 2012, Upper Newport Estuary Muth Interpretive Center What was predicted to be a storm turned out to be a very warm Read more…