These images are a glimpse into the beauty and adventure of Big Oak Canyon. Please read our Big Oak Canyon page to learn more about Earthroots’ property and our intention for the site.

For videos from Big Oak Canyon, please visit and subscribe to our YouTube and TikTok channels!

Silverado Creek
Matilija Poppy in bloom
An Evening Under the Oaks Benefit Dinner
Stewardship event volunteers
Silverado Creek at Big Oak Canyon
Making friends at Big Oak Canyon
Forest Kindergarten Instructor Caroline Colesworthy and Daughter Izzy
Fruit trees are in bloom!
Following trails to new discoveries.
What do you see along the creek?
Spending time at Big Oak makes us happy!
Follow the leader up the creek trail
Ancient Oak trees on the property
Solar panel in the orchard
Silverado Creek
Golden giant amaranth and garbanzo beans
A honeybee visits sagebrush flowers
caterpillars came and turned the leaves to skeletons on many of the alder trees
Story Bench made out of cob
Canyon views at Big Oak Canyon
Acorns are ready to be harvested
A tarantula hawk wasp visits English ivy flowers
Honey bees are very busy in the elm trees!
Pacific-slope flycatcher feeding her young
Islay, or holly-leaf cherry (Prunus ilicifolia)
Sweetbush (Bebbia juncea) and California Buckwheat offer some late summer color.
Humboldt’s lily near the creek
Harvested and retted fiber flax
Flowering Oaxacan green corn
Juvenile Cooper’s hawk in an ash tree
Male California tarantula out exploring in the evening
Acorn woodpecker removing a green acorn from a coast live oak
Big Oak Canyon Entrance
Welcome to Earthroots!
Our beautiful picnic area
Our acorn granary (a way to store acorns and keep them off the ground to reduce rodent and insect damage)