Dimensions: 4″ x 3.12″, with rounded corners
The Nature is for Everyone campaign was started by our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion council as a way to raise funds for DEI scholarships for youth and adults in our community. 100% of the profits from all Nature is for Everyone merchandise will go to these efforts.
If item is out of stock, please email [email protected] with your name and the quantity you need and we will get back to you as soon as stock is replenished.
MegHandler is an artist and illustrator living in Ventura, California. She runs a nonprofit she founded calledThe Human Nature Center, which uses the arts as tools for teaching Ecology. You can see more of her artwork on Instagram @handlermade.
Meg on the design for “Nature is Everyone”:“After talking with Jodi about the concept for the t-shirt, I went into my daughter’s room to read her a story. In one of her books, there was a parade of tiny plant people, each holding the flower or leaf that belonged to their species. Right then, I saw the t-shirt design in my mind’s eye. Bringing the people to a tiny scale in relation to the leaves and other animals strengthened the idea of all humans as diverse parts of nature, not as superior to any other species or to each other. I also liked the idea that came forth that each different person has their own connection to Nature- a love of particular plants, animals, or places – that is unique just like they are. Together they all create a beautiful ecosystem.“