We’re having a picnic, and we want you to come! Enjoy the best of summer fun at Big Oak Canyon! Join us as we celebrate summer and build community at the Summer Sunset Picnic. Come enjoy nature-based crafts, activities, and games on our beautiful 39-acre property in Silverado Canyon. Reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Meet Earthroots instructors and staff and learn about upcoming programs. This is the type of evening that lasting summer memories are made of!
Bring your own picnic and blanket.
Summer Sunset Picnic Details
When: July 23rd
Time: 5-8pm
Where: Big Oak Canyon
Ages: All ages welcome
Price: $25/family
Activities of the Day
- Games
- Nature-based crafts
- A touch table with nature artifacts/furs
- Meet with Earthroots instructors and learn about Earthroots programs and classes
Earthroots will provide:
- EZ ups
- Tables
- Games
- Crafts
- A beautiful place to gather and build community
Participants will provide:
- Your own picnic lunch
- Water in a reusable container
- Blanket or chairs for sitting
- Hat and layers for cold or hot weather