Dear Earthroots Community,

As most of us are staying home, I hope you are adapting as well as possible, have your needs met and are able to connect with nature as a source of wellness. 

I am writing today to ask for your support. I am asking for your help to make sure that Earthroots survives. We have been working with a fraction of our staff and our revenue has been slashed.  

Will you help? Will you make a special donation today to continue the work of nature connection virtually and sustain our team?

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Now more than ever, nature’s power to boost our wellness and gratitude are so important. Even with all of the closures, nature is still open. With your support, we continue providing inspiration and tools for nature connection. See below to read about our new Nature Connection Boxes and digital programming.

But we can’t do it without you. If you are in a position to contribute today, please know that it will make a huge difference. Your support will keep kids connecting with nature and will save Earthroots leaders jobs. You already know that it is the incredible Earthroots instructors that bring so many benefits to the lives of children. Our staff are the conduit for the good we do. 

We need $64,00 to flatten the curve of staff losses so that we will still be here to connect kids to nature. Losing the remaining staff would be a tremendous blow to our ability to serve the children who need us. Thanks to incredible donors like you, we have already raised $4,100. We are facing major fundraising and program income losses; that’s why we are turning to you. Every single dollar counts.  

Your donation today will make sure Earthroots survives to go on connecting children to nature. 

With gratitude,

Jodi Levine-Wright

PS. Please consider donating and say YES to keeping Earthroots open during this crisis.

PSS. With schools closed, summer camps around the corner and parents needing to get their kids engaged outdoors, Earthroots has created Family Nature Connection Boxes, Downloadable Activity pages and Virtual Camps that will keep the connection alive. Online nature skills programs for adults will be announced soon.

PSSS. Donate $150 or more on #GivingTuesdayNOW and pick an item to be shipped from our store as a token of appreciation. 

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Categories: Big Oak Canyon